Can we talk about how excited I am for Fall? And by Fall I mean JUNIOR YEAR! Let's recap:
Junior Year
Transitions 2009
I'll be a Junior in Graphic Design (not a newbie)
Sigma Pi! (Which is only going to be more amazing after Sigma Pi University this Summer)
Laura is back!
I get to see all my friends again!
My internship starts with Jess <3
Another year with my Brothers
More shenanigans at S Club 7! We're pros now!
New students = New Friends
My classes are awesome
Kylie Minogue concert with Tom <3
Kelly Clarkson concert with Jaimie <3
I EPICALLY turn 21! I'm going to Vegas for the night. The Hotel room is covered. If you want to come, let me know and you just need to pay for your flight.
Yes. This year will be amazing. I can't wait for everyone to reunite in August, and the awesomeness to unfold.

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