Wednesday, September 9, 2009


I'm sitting in my SOC 280 Class (Social Problems), and in order to distract me from boredom, and random thoughts... I thought I should actually reflect on the conversations at hand.

We are currently going through and talking about all of the issues that we have read in the news, basically addressing the corruption in the world. It amazes me to actually acknowledge the problems in the society we live in. I much rather just keep pretending we live in a Disney movie, where everyone is cheerful and the good guys win.

However, I'm realizing more and more that the good guy does not always win. A little discouraging. I actually had a discussion with my friend, Elyse, yesterday about how I've become a lot more pessimistic since coming to College. I used to be so optimistic. I used to always think things would end up well, and that everyone had good, honest intentions. I miss that outlook.

I miss being naive, and just going through the day with a dumb smile, and positive expectations of the future. Now, I find myself fighting- all throughout the day -to stay positive and keep moving forward.

I'm not saying that we should give up, but it would be a really nice change if we could all just cheer the hell up and get through these setbacks. Myself included.

No more bad news. No more talk about how we're all poor. Let's just all become hippies. Wait, scratch that... I look bad in tie-dye.

At least I still have my humor. I think that's the only way out of this... to stop taking things so seriously... but I feel like life is getting serious.